Showing posts with label Mental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental health. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Gripping crime thriller from start to finish

If you’re searching for a gripping crime thriller that captivates from start to finish, look no further than SZ Estavillo’s The Serpent’s Bridge. This debut novel is set against the gritty backdrop of Los Angeles and intertwines suspense with a trio of compelling female protagonists who are as flawed as they are courageous.

Serpent's Bridge

About the book: The Serpent's Bridge

The Serpent’s Bridge shines with its portrayal of a resilient Hispanic female protagonist at its core. LAPD Detective Anaya Nazario’s unwavering determination and complex backstory make her a standout character in a genre often dominated by male leads. She’s a flawed character haunted by the unresolved murder of her father, a trauma that continues to shape her relentless pursuit of justice. Estavillo skillfully introduces Detective Nazario in an adrenaline-fueled opening scene setting the tone for unfolding high-stake action.

Detective Anaya Nazario
Detective Anaya Nazario

Alongside Detective Nazario, readers are introduced to Millie Ann Goodwin, a pastor’s wife grappling with her own demons, and Esperanza Florez, a pivotal witness whose testimony holds the key to unraveling a string of unsolved murders. Each character is meticulously developed, with their intermingling stories adding emotional engagement and layers of depth and intrigue to the narrative.

Esperanza Florez
Esperanza Florez

Book review: The Serpent's Bridge

Beyond its compelling characters and suspenseful plot twists, The Serpent’s Bridge delves into timely themes such as immigration and mental health, providing a thought-provoking backdrop against which the protagonists navigate their challenges. Estavillo seamlessly weaves these issues into the story’s fabric enriching the reader’s experience with its relevance and depth.

Having read an ARC (Advance Reader Copy), I can confidently say that The Serpent’s Bridge delivers a thrilling ride from start to finish. SZ Estavillo’s ability to blend action-packed scenes with nuanced character development makes this novel a standout in the genre. Whether you’re drawn to intricate mysteries or powerful character-driven narratives, The Serpent’s Bridge is a must-read that will leave you eagerly awaiting the next installment. I’m happy to give it 5 out of 5 stars.

 **Warning: The Serpent’s Bridge contains a few explicit scenes of sexual content and frequent use of profanity. Reader discretion is advised for those sensitive to such content.


About the author: SZ Estavillo

Biracial Thriller Author | Debut 2024-2025 The Serpent Series @HeberBooks | Literary & TV Agency Experience | MA: TV, Radio & Film | Multi-Genre Reader | Social Media & Content Ninja

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Thought provoking heartfelt YA romance

Finding Y by Kari Rimbey introduces readers to Ava Roberts, a newcomer to the small town of Colfax, where she finds herself drawn to Timothy Gray, a senior basketball player with a hidden struggle. Initially concerned about Timothy's well-being, Ava's journey intertwines with Timothy's through tutoring sessions that evolve into a complex relationship.

Finding Y


Ava emerges as an open and straightforward character, while Timothy carries a weight of personal tragedy and guilt, making their interactions both compelling and nuanced. As their relationship unfolds, they navigate through grief, depression, PTSD, and an eating disorder, presenting a refreshingly realistic portrayal of overcoming adversity and the complexities of human emotions.

Rimbey's narrative focuses on the development of Ava and Timothy's relationship, offering a sweet and inspirational romance that delves beneath the surface to explore deeper psychological and emotional elements. The give-and-take dynamic between the characters is both quirky and engaging, drawing readers into their journey of self-discovery and healing.

Ava and Timothy

While the storyline initially raised doubts about whether or not this story was for me, it quickly captivated me with its depth and complexity. However, there are moments where Ava's insights may feel slightly contrived, briefly detracting from the realism of the narrative. Despite this minor flaw, I recommend Finding Y for readers seeking character-driven stories with depth and complexity, particularly those interested in themes of mental health struggles and the complexities of relationships.


Book Review: Finding Y

Overall, Finding Y offers a compelling narrative that transcends clichés, providing a thought-provoking exploration of human emotions and experiences. With its nuanced portrayal of personal challenges and heartfelt romance, this book earns a solid 4 out of 5 stars and is worth a read for anyone seeking a romance that resonates on a deeper level.

Worth the read


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As BookHookup, I am a longtime book reviewer. I received a free review copy of this book from BookTasters and have not received compensation for reviewing or recommending it.