Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2024

Fireson Bay delivers a mind twisting crime mystery

Fireson Bay: Resurrection (volume 2 in the series) follows Detective Fireson Bay as he moves on with life following an assassination attempt by the woman he once loved. While hunting for her, he gets involved in a case with a new string of baffling deaths across multiple states. For this case, he teams up with North Carolina SBI Agent Rose Clayton and Lt. George Bird of the Cherokee Indian Police Department who advises some locals think the killer could be a Raven Mocker from Cherokee folklore. Could supernatural powers be responsible for these deaths? The clues they come across suggest he might be right.

Fireson Bay Resurrection


Stoke’s well-developed, complex characters come across as genuine. Detective Bay is a flawed, good-guy sleuth and one you’ll find yourself rooting for in love and life, even when he bends the rules. In terms of the setting, the attention to detail is spot on, and in my opinion, Stokes makes masterful use of setting to help create a mood of mystery that adds to the intrigue. I'm always happy to find an unpredictable plot and Fireson Bay: Resurrection did not disappoint. The suspense and tension are palpable and kept me on the edge of my seat. 

Fireson Bay (Book 1)

I had the pleasure of reading book 1 in this series Fireson Bay, and recommend reading it before book two, but Resurrection can stand on its own as a captivating detective crime suspense novel. I’m happy to give this book five out of five stars and recommend it to readers who enjoy noir, crime mysteries, and gumshoe/Private Detective crime mysteries like But Not Forgotten: A Clint Wolf Novel. If you are looking to solve a mind twisting murder mystery, this one is for you.  

5 out of  stars

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I received a review copy of this book from the author and have not been compensated for reviewing or recommending it. Some links in this post are affiliate links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites.


Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Suspenseful vampire paranormal romance

I’m not a horror fan. For this reason, I often avoid paranormal romance novels centered on vampires because they lean in that direction, but Knowledge Revealed doesn’t fall into the horror genre. Instead, Author D. S. Williams delivers a captivating paranormal romance that involves vampires who can’t be pigeonholed as stereotypical. It delivers action, but not a ton of gore. I found it a refreshing read with believable characters navigating a small-town world and a story that’s paced to keep the pages turning. Charlotte, the main female character is interesting, flawed, and resilient. At the start of the book, she’s been through more than any human should have to endure, and she is ready to give up. And then all that changes when she meets Lucas—the vampire protagonist of the story.

Knowledge Revealed by D. S. Williams

About the book: Knowledge Revealed

Knowledge Revealed (The Nehemiah Chronicles Book 1 of 5) introduces a host of characters, and the author does a good job of keeping them distinct enough that the reader doesn’t get lost or confused as to who is who as the action plays out. Some have compared this story to another well-known vampire series, but I’m not going there for this review. I found it a fresh approach to a vampire romance, and if I didn’t see others making the comparison it wouldn’t have come to mind at all. I didn’t care for the other series for several reasons. Number one is that the series felt contrived. Not so with Knowledge Revealed. I tip my hat to D. S. Williams as an author. 

Book review: Knowledge Revealed

The story unfolds naturally in a believable way. I’m invested in the characters, and not just Charlotte and Lucas but the townspeople and other vampires in Lucas’s Kiss. It delivers a slow build that’s not boring. It draws you in, sets the hook, and leads you to the cliffhanger but still satisfied. The one thing that did distract me was when Charlotte was dancing with her walking cast on as if it wasn’t there, but that was a minor distraction.

If I rated Knowledge Revealed as a movie I’d say it’s PG 13. It has some violence, but not a bunch of gore. While sex is talked about, it doesn’t happen. I won’t say why because that would be a spoiler. I’m happy to give it four out of five stars and recommend it to those who enjoy suspenseful paranormal romance, vampires, and an unpredictable plot.

*  * *

As BookHookup, I am a longtime book reviewer. I received this book for free through the publisher. I have not been compensated for reviewing or recommending it. Some links in this post are affiliate links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites.


D. S. Williams

About author D.S. Williams

Australian author, D. S. Williams, loves multiple genres and writes just about anything, so like her characters, she can’t be pigeonholed. She especially enjoys writing romances. If mythical creatures like vampires, werewolves, etc. can be added to the mix, she’s found her sweet spot. Add a dash of suspense, a little teasing, and her trademark cliffhanger, and she’s found her paranormal romance groove.

D.S. is currently at work on several new projects. She enjoys creating strong male characters paired with unpredictable gutsy and the evolution of complex relationships for all the characters who show up on the pages of her books.

When not writing or reading, she’s still involved with the written word as an editor – The Pedantic Punctuator – specializing in indie author works.


You can find D.S. here:







Sunday, June 4, 2023

Paranormal urban mystery and suspense

The Beached Ones by Colleen M. Story delivers an eerily haunting story around Danny, a young man who grows up in a rundown Butte trailer park with his single mom and younger brother Tony. Danny is the responsible one in the family, doing his best to protect Tony from the dysfunctional consequences of a mother who drinks, works longs shifts, and entertains an endless line of no-good boyfriends at the expense of her children.

The Beached Ones

When Danny graduates from high school and can finally escape the trailer they call hell-hole, he is torn about leaving Tony behind. But it is the only way things can change. Danny leaves and achieves his dreams but then something happens. He wakes on a beach littered with stranded whales and has no memory of how he got there. As he searches for answers he runs into one strange occurrence after another. Clues are cleverly delivered from Danny’s POV that take him on a bizarre trip as he pieces together his past and present to figure out what is going on as he races against time to pick up his brother from camp.

@donnasundblad Beached Ones #bookreview #bookreviewer #bookrecommendations #booktok #bookworm #booktour #paranormal #urbanfantasy #thebeachedones ♬ original sound - Donna Sundblad

Book review: The Beached Ones

The glue of this story is the unbreakable bond between Danny and his younger brother. Colleen Story’s masterful sensory details offer subtle clues to help figure things out, as she weaves Danny’s memories of the past with the present into the unpredictable with page-turning urgency as he meets up with his ex. A girl who see ghosts. Story delivers the coup de grâce as all the emotionally charged pieces come together with a clear resolution.

I award The Beached Ones with a strong 4 stars and recommend it for readers who enjoy paranormal, vampire, drama, and suspense. However, I do add a caveat for those who are sensitive to the topic of suicide. Those who have been touched by this tragedy may not enjoy this book, but others who have contemplated taking their lives may find it helpful. I can’t predict which for every individual. For me, it left me feeling melancholy but found it a very good read. 

* * *

I received a copy of this book through Black Phoenix Book Tours and have not been compensated for reviewing or recommending it. Some links in this post are affiliate links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites.


About the Author

Colleen M. Story is a novelist, freelance writer, writing coach, and speaker with over 20 years in the creative writing industry. Her latest novel, "The Beached Ones," released from CamCat Books on July 26th, 2022. Her previous novel, "Loreena's Gift," was a Foreword Reviews’ INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner, among others.

Colleen has written three books to help writers succeed. "Your Writing Matters" was a bronze medal winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards (2022). "Writer Get Noticed!" was a gold-medal winner in the Reader’s Favorite Book Awards and a first-place winner in the Reader Views Literary Awards (2019). "Overwhelmed Writer Rescue" was named Book by Book Publicity’s Best Writing/Publishing Book in 2018.

With over 20 years as a professional in the creative industry, Colleen has authored thousands of articles for publications like “Healthline” and “Women’s Health;” worked with high-profile clients like Gerber Baby Products and Kellogg’s; and ghostwritten books on back pain, nutrition, and cancer recovery. She continues to work as a full-time freelance writer, helping clients create informative and inspiring communications in a variety of media formats.

Colleen frequently serves as a workshop leader, writing coach, and motivational speaker, where she helps attendees remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers.

A lifelong musician, Colleen plays the French horn in her local symphony and pit orchestras. When not writing, she’s reading, practicing yoga, listening to music, exploring the beautiful Northwest, and making up more challenging games for her smart German Shepherd to play.

Find more at her author website (, motivational website (, and mystical blog (, or connect with her on Twitter (@colleen_m_story) and YouTube (








Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Unpredictable WWII YA fantasy quest mythos

Elyse Hoffman serves up a believable fantasy quest based on Jewish folklore, a unique plot involving biblical artifacts, and a lovable mute orphaned protagonist in Uriel. The story is set in WWII German-occupied Poland and opens with Uriel lying on the street of his ravaged Polish village, Zingdorf.

A car of Germans carrying Major Brandt and his conscripted linguist, Uwe Litten, drive by and the linguist shouts for them to stop. He gets out and stares at the carnage. He’s horrified to see dead bodies of old men, young women and men of marriageable age amid smoldering buildings, including a vandalized Synagogue.

Major Brandt stares out at the broken glass and furniture littering the streets, and finds it odd because he hadn’t ordered his men to take care of Zingdorf yet. He figures it is the work of the local anti-Semites.

Uwe, the linguist, spots the body of a boy about the same age as his own son. He imagines what the child thought as he died, and notices he is hugging a golden notebook against his chest. On the cover, written in large black letters is the name Uriel. Uwe slips the book into his pocket and starts to read it while riding in the back seat of the car as they travel to the house where they will be staying. The book is filled with stories based on religious fables penned in the child’s handwriting. The stories fascinate the man.

Uriel awakens and is distraught that his beloved golden notebook is gone along with everyone and everything in Zingdorf. Angels Raphael and Gabriel arrive amid the ruins and heal the boy, and learn that he can see them. They explain they couldn’t have come sooner because when in the presence of evil they experience debilitating pain. The angels tell Uriel that Michael, the Guardian Angel of God’s Chosen people is missing, and they have no idea where he is being held. The evil being perpetrated against the Jewish people has weakened the angel and they worry that the Angel of Death has captured him. They see Uriel as a child sent from Hashem to help. He is not an angel and can walk among the Germans without pain. They offer Uriel the opportunity to find and rescue Michael, and he accepts.

Book of Uriel

This captivating YA story, builds with steady momentum. It had me hooked within the first few pages. As an Angel Finder, Uriel learns the evil people cannot see him, so when the German linguist, Uwe, can see him it is a surprise. Uwe becomes Uriel’s sidekick. He hides the boy in his room within Major Brandt’s house where Uriel is delighted to find that the linguist has his notebook. The two read the stories before bed, and a close relationship develops.

Uriel makes a deal with the Angel of Death to release Michael, but it requires several mini quests to gather items like David’s harp and Joseph’s cup. Each quest is a little more dangerous, and while Uriel occupies his day sneaking off on his quests, Uwe grows to become the brains, heart, and inner strength of the story as he is forced to work among the Germans as a translator.

Each page fed my hunger to know what happened next and created new hunger to know more. Just like real life, things are not cut and dried. Hoffman delivers a well-told tale that’s action-packed, original, unpredictable and closes with a satisfying end. I give it a solid 5 stars and recommend The Book of Uriel to readers young and old who enjoy quests for artifacts and the of good vs. evil. I think people who enjoyed reading The Paris Architect: A WWII Novel by Charles Belfoure would enjoy this story. But I offer a word of caution to parents of preteens, because the actions of war are gruesome and can be too much for those sensitive to the evils of anti-Semitism, war and related violence.

As BookHookup, I am a long-time book reviewer and I received The Book of Uriel as a free review copy and have not been compensated for reviewing or recommending it. This review is posted in collaboration with #Blackberry Book Tours. Some links in this post are affiliate links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliate sites.  

Elyse Hoffman

About Author Elyse Hoffman

Elyse Hoffman is an award-winning author who strives to tell historical tales with new twists. She loves to meld WWII and Jewish history with fantasy, folklore, and the paranormal. She has written six works of Holocaust historical fiction: the five books of The Barracks of the Holocaust and The Book of Uriel.

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